In a formal letter sent late Tuesday, Republican Senators Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin pressed the DOJ and FBI to provide records and make key officials available for interviews related to the bureau’s handling of a now-discredited FBI document alleging an illicit scheme involving then-Vice President Joe Biden.

The senators seek to interview the FBI agent who handled the source and his superiors to better understand the steps taken to investigate the allegations outlined in the document, known as an FD-1023.

Whistleblower Comes Forward With Bribery Allegations

According to Grassley and Johnson, in October 2022, a whistleblower approached Grassley with details of an FBI document from 2020 alleging that Burisma Holdings paid $5 million each to Joe and Hunter Biden.

Source: X/Rep. Andrew Clyde

The document, an FD-1023 form, recorded claims from confidential human source Alexander Smirnov that Burisma hired Hunter Biden to gain influence over his father, then the vice president.

FBI Failed to Properly Investigate Claims

The senators argue that the FBI failed to thoroughly investigate the substantial and credible allegations against the Bidens.

Source: The Guardian

The senators demanded interviews with the FBI agents involved to determine whether the bureau neglected to fully explore the whistleblower’s evidence due to political pressure or bias.

Background on the Controversial FD-1023 Document

The controversial FD-1023 document contains claims from confidential human source Alexander Smirnov alleging a bribery scheme between Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings executives.

Source: House Oversight Committee

According to Sens. Grassley and Johnson, the document dates back to June 2020 and details meetings Smirnov claims to have had with Burisma executives years prior.

Key Details on Alexander Smirnov’s Claims Against Biden

In June 2020, Alexander Smirnov, an FBI confidential human source, alleged that Joe Biden and his son Hunter were involved in a bribery scheme with Burisma Holdings.

Source: The New York Times

Burisma executives paid $5 million to Joe Biden and $5 million to Hunter Biden. This bride was supposedly meant for Joe Biden to help end the criminal investigation into Burisma.

Smirnov’s Allegations of Bribery

Smirnov asserted that in meetings with Burisma executives several years prior, they admitted hiring Hunter Biden to gain influence and protection from legal troubles through his father.

Source: Amazon

The document alleges Burisma paid the Bidens $5 million each in exchange for Joe Biden pressuring Ukraine to fire Shokin, who was investigating Burisma.

Smirnov Indicted for Lying About Bidens

The U.S. DOJ is investigating Smirnov’s claims. A federal grand jury indicted Smirnov of making false statements and creating false records regarding the Bidens’ ties to Ukraine.

Source: NBC New York

Senators Grassley and Johnson, concerned that the document may have been used improperly, have asked the DOJ for details on the steps taken to verify or refute Smirnov’s allegations in the FD-1023.

FBI Procedures for Recording Informant Allegations

The FBI uses a specific form, the FD-1023, to document any unverified information provided by confidential human sources.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

According to standard FBI procedures, agents must record any details shared by informants on the FD-1023 form, regardless of whether or not the information seems credible or substantiated.

History of Presidents Investigated By The FBI

In the 1930s, the FBI under Director J. Edgar Hoover investigated President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Hoover was suspicious of Roosevelt’s liberal policies and investigated rumors about Roosevelt’s extramarital affairs.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

The FBI investigated President John F. Kennedy for alleged ties to organized crime figures. The investigation focused on Joseph Kennedy, JFK’s father, and his rumored connections to the mafia. In the 1990s, President Bill Clinton was investigated in the Whitewater controversy and the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

Lack of Communication Within the FBI

FBI Director Christopher Wray was unaware of the FD-1023 form and the information from the confidential human source for an extended period.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

The senators questioned why Wray was “kept in the dark for so long when the FBI told Congress their Confidential Human Source was ‘highly credible’ and the matter involved an alleged criminal scheme with the sitting president?”

DOJ Officials Defend Informant as Credible

According to officials from the DOJ and the FBI), the CHS, known as “Smirnov,” was a trusted and credible source for over 14 years.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Then, U.S. Attorney Scott Brady testified that the FD-1023 form and Smirnov “was vetted against sources of Russian disinformation” and that officials “found that it was not sourced from Russian disinformation.”

Unanswered Questions About FBI’s Handling of Case

Grassley and Johnson pointed out several unanswered questions regarding the FBI’s handling of the case that warrant further investigation to determine whether proper procedures were followed and to ensure the integrity of the FBI’s investigative work.


The delayed response to address the validity of the FD-1023, the confidential informant’s seemingly unverified role in investigations.

Lack of Transparency and Accountability

On Wednesday, Grassley told Fox News Digital that the “FBI swore up and down to me and my congressional colleagues that their Confidential Human Source was credible, but when they finally took a look at his information as I asked, they now tell the public he turned up red flags.”

Source: C-SPAN

“If it weren’t for my oversight, Smirnov would still be spinning tales for the FBI on the taxpayer’s dime,” Grassley said.

Scandal Highlights Corruption in Federal Law Enforcement

The recent revelations regarding the FBI’s questionable handling of Smirnov highlight the corruption within the upper echelons of federal law enforcement and the intelligence community.

Source: CNN

According to reports, the FBI relied heavily upon information provided by Smirnov over many years to further high-profile investigations despite numerous “red flags” regarding his credibility and background.

Senators Vow to Continue Pressing for Answers and Accountability

Grassley told the media, ” I won’t stop until all those responsible have been held to account and there is full transparency regarding the government’s conduct in this matter.”

Source: The Fedaralist

Senator Johnson agreed, stating that the FBI and DOJ’s “questionable” handling of CHS-1 and “refusal to provide transparency to Congress underscores the scandal of the overall corruption within our federal law enforcement agencies.”