The United Teachers of Dade (UTD) in Miami-Dade County, Florida, has fallen short of the 60% membership requirement that is mandated by the new right-to-work law. There is a possibility they will be faced with a decertification.

Alternative Workers Association

With support from Governor Ron DeSantis and state Republicans, The Freedom Foundation spearheaded this law,

Source: The Gainesville Sun/Brad McClenny

Their objective was to decertify UTD and make way for an alternative labor organization.

UTD Verified

The Miami Herald wrote this statement

Source: Flickr/Phillip Pessar

“In a statement sent exclusively to the Miami-Herald on Tuesday, UTD confirmed that an audit conducted by an independent auditor showed that the number of eligible employees who were union-paying members fell short of the threshold, despite UTD adding more than eligible 800 new members, ‘an unprecedented growth in the past five months,'”

“That’s Called A Contract

Teacher Shawn Beightol made this statement

Source: Unsplash/Romain Dancre

“We have a piece of paper that’s called a contract that’s really not worth much more than toilet paper,”

Education In Miami-Dade

Teacher Beightol continued with


“When Miami-Dade Education Coalition succeeds at replacing the United Teachers of Dade, you’re going to see your dues drop,”

Recover Lost Members

UTD has been working vigorously regain lost member,


they have even been going so far as to offer incentives and collecting “showing of interest cards” in effort to meet the initial requirement.

Dissatisfied Customers

She said

Source: Wikimedia Commons

“Now, they’ve spent the last few months scrambling to get their unsatisfied customers back, and they couldn’t do it,”

Being Attentive

She went on to say

Source: Miamiherald

“Now, they’ve spent the last few months scrambling to get their unsatisfied customers back, and they couldn’t do it,”

Acknowledge The Threat

Freedom Foundation wrote this

Source: Freedomfoundation

“UTD quickly recognized the threat MDEC posed and immediately began attacking the Freedom Foundation for the high crime of sending information to teachers in the district informing them of their rights, while also spreading misinformation that MDEC would be run by the Freedom Foundation,”

Only A Short Five Months

The president of UTD, Karla Hernandez-Mats made this statement

Source: YouTube

“We barely have five months to move the entire bargaining unit and union over to a new form of dues membership collection,”

Giving Gift Cards

“The UTD also offered $100 gift cards to members who signed up more teachers, and kicked the substitute teaching population out of the bargaining unit altogether, thereby lowering the number to meet the 60 percent threshold.

Source: Alex Wong

In the final days before the report deadline, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) flew in dozens of staffers to boost sign-up efforts, to no avail.”

It Is A Lot To Handle

UTD is clearly struggling with the idea of what needs to be done

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

“It is a heavy, heavy lift. We’re talking about over 13,000 members.”

What The Future Holds For The Union

This situation could have profound effects on the union’s future.

Source: YouTube

It even has the potential to influence the entire educational landscape in Miami-Dade County.