The border crisis rages on as Biden’s immigration policies face bipartisan blowback. In a rare rebuke from his party, fourteen House Democrats joined Republicans this week to pass a resolution condemning the administration’s handling of the situation at the US-Mexico border.

Speaker Mike Johnson has made immigration a central focus since taking over House GOP leadership last fall, leading a delegation of over 60 Republicans to the border in January. With nearly 7.3 million migrants crossing illegally on Biden’s watch the border crisis is getting out of hand.

14 Democrats Join GOP in Condemning Biden Immigration Policies

Fourteen House Democrats joined Republicans in passing a resolution condemning Biden’s border policies.

Source: Wikimedia/The White House

The resolution introduced by Rep. Monica De La Cruz, R-Texas, accused Biden and Mayorkas of creating “the worst border security crisis in the Nation’s history.”

Last Minute Calls for Bipartisan Solutions

Hours before the vote, House Democrats formed a task force on border security and called for bipartisan solutions, especially the Senate’s $118 billion border security package.

Source: Pell Center

“To solve this problem, you need action by Congress,” said Rep. Tom Suozzi, D-N.Y. “This group has come together to say, listen, we see this bipartisan bill in the Senate. It doesn’t do everything we want, but will solve this problem.”

Republican Focus on the Border Crisis

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., has made border security a priority, leading a delegation of over 60 Republicans to the border and pushing to impeach Mayorkas.

Source: Clara Desfosses

Since Biden took office, a Fox News analysis found nearly 7.3 million migrants have crossed the border illegally, more than the population of 36 states.

A Divided Democratic Party

The 14 Democrats who voted with Republicans show a divide in Biden’s party on immigration. Some argue Biden’s policies, like ending Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” program and limiting ICE arrests, have encouraged more migration, while others say the root causes driving migration must be addressed.

Source: Flickr/Donkey Honkey

With a 50-50 Senate and a narrow House majority, Biden needs Democratic unity to pass comprehensive immigration reform.

House Republicans Make Border Crisis a Priority

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise has made the border crisis a focus, leading a delegation of over 60 Republicans to the border to raise awareness.

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

He also led the House to impeach Mayorkas, the first Cabinet secretary impeached since 1876. Scalise said, “The Biden administration has created an immigration crisis of epic proportions at our southern border. Their reckless policies have made us less safe.”

Asylum and Detention Policies Seen as Fueling the Border Surge

The Biden administration’s reversal of Trump-era asylum restrictions and detention policies has drawn criticism from Republicans, who argue these policy changes have fueled an ongoing surge of migrants at the southwest border.

Source: Flickr/Thomas Hawk

According to critics, the administration has made it easier for migrants to claim asylum after crossing the border illegally.

Pull Factors Attracting Illegal Immigration Were Pushed By The Government

Republicans argue these policy changes have created “pull factors” encouraging more migrants to come to the border.

Source: Sandor Csudai

They point out that illegal border crossings have skyrocketed since Biden took office, with record numbers of unaccompanied children and families arriving in recent months.

Allowing Asylum Is Moral and Humane

The Biden administration counters that it is following the law and upholding moral values by allowing asylum seekers to enter and remain in the country.

Source: Wikimedia/Adam Jones

Officials argue that poverty, violence, and climate change in Central America are driving migration, not U.S. policy changes. They say Trump-era restrictions went too far and that the surge in migration was inevitable after those policies were lifted.

Trump’s Policies To Be Revived As Migration Issues Intensify

With no signs of the border situation improving, the policy debate is likely to intensify. Republicans are pushing for the reimplementation of Trump policies and further restrictions.

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

The administration is under pressure to take bold action but risks legal challenges and opposition from immigrant advocates.

Push for Senate’s $118 Billion Border Security Package

The resolution’s passage underscores the pressure on Democrats to act on the border crisis amid record numbers of migrant encounters.

Source: Ozzy Trevino

Lawmakers argue that the Senate’s bipartisan bill could help alleviate the situation. The Senate package includes funding for border security technology, resources for Customs and Border Protection, aid for Central American countries and legal immigration reforms.

Historic Impeachment of Mayorkas in February

In February, House Republicans made history by voting to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the first Cabinet secretary impeachment since 1876.

Source: Wikimedia/DHSgov

Led by House GOP Conference Chair Mike Johnson, over 60 Republicans traveled to the U.S.-Mexico border to call attention to the crisis and build support for impeachment.

Deliberate and Purposeful Violation of Immigration Law

Johnson accused Mayorkas and the Biden administration of “purposely violating United States immigration law by refusing to detain inadmissible aliens arriving at the border.”

Source: Medium

Mayorkas faced intense criticism from Republicans for policies they argue have fueled a surge of migration at the border.

Mayorkas Pushed As Democrats Cry Distraction

Mayorkas was condemned for ending the Remain in Mexico policy, limiting immigration enforcement within the U.S., and narrowing deportation priorities.

Source: Rawpixel

With Democrats controlling the House, the effort was doomed to fail. Democrats argued the push for impeachment was a political stunt meant to distract from passing bipartisan immigration reform.

A Dire Need For Enforcement and Humanitarian Solutions

The crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border highlights the need for both enforcement and humanitarian solutions. While Republicans have focused on more aggressive deterrence policies and impeachment efforts, Democrats have argued for a less punitive approach.

Source: PICRYL

Neither side has yet been able to put forward a comprehensive plan to fix the issues driving migration.