The fundamental concept of the castle doctrine is that individuals have the right to protect themselves against an intruder in their homes, they have the right to use reasonable force, including fatal force if necessary. Some states use the term “the Make My Day” law, named for “Dirty” Harry Calahan, played by Clint Eastwood, in the movie “Sudden Impact”.

A variety of states have implemented this doctrine with added principles, which made the similar “stand your ground” law, which gives individuals the right to use fatal force in public spaces when the certain circumstances present themselves, even if they have an option to retreat safely. Let’s take a look at each state that has this law and how they differ from state to state. 


In Alaska, individuals are allowed to openly carry handguns and long guns.

Source: Unsplash/Tobias Tullius

The state has a permitless concealed carry law that makes it perfectly legal to carry a weapon in a public place even without a permit.


Alabama residents are allowed to open carry handguns and long guns,

Source: Shutterstock/Kevin Ruck

The state also has a permitless concealed carry law that allows people to carry a weapon in public legally.


Arizona is another state that allows the open carry of handguns and long guns.

Source: Unsplash/Rebecca Lawrence

With it being legal to openly carry in public without a permit.


Arkansas is a part of the open carry group, allowing people to carry handguns and long guns legally

Source: Unsplash/Mick Haupt

As well as having a permitless concealed carry law that makes it legal to carry a weapon in public places without a permit.


No need to have a conceal to carry permit in Georgia

Source: Shutterstock/Sean Pavone

The state allows open carry of handguns and longuns, in any public space without a permit.


In Florida, the open carry of handguns and long guns is prohibited.

Source: Unsplash/Lance Asper

However the state does have a permitless concealed carry law that allows individuals to openly carry without having a permit.


In the state of Idaho individuals are allowed to open carry

Source: Unsplash/Alden Skeie

No permit is needed to open carry in public.


Iowa is another state that allows the open carry of handguns and long guns.

Source: Unsplash/Austin Goode

With it being legal to openly carry in public without a permit.


Indiana is a state that requires a permit for the open carry of handguns but doesn’t require a permit for the open carry of long guns.

Source: Unsplash/Ryan De Hamer

It also has a permitless concealed carry law, making it legal to carry a weapon without any permits.


Kansas allows the open carry of handguns and long guns

Source: Unsplash/Colton Sturgeon

and has a permitless concealed carry law that makes it legal to carry a weapon in public places without a permit.


The state of Kentucky has a open carry of handguns and long guns law

Source: Unsplash/Miles Manwaring

Allowing for residents to carry openly in public spaces without having a permit.


There is a law in Louisiana that allows for the open carry of handguns and long guns

Source: Unsplash/Rosie Kerr

The law is permitless and applicable in public.


In the state of Mississippi you are allowed to openly carry both handguns and long guns without a permit

Source: Wikimedia/John Polo

This law extends to public spaces.


Michigan also permits individuals to openly carry without a permit

Source: Unsplash/Brad Switzer

Regardless of where they are they are allowed to openly carry with no permit needed.


Missouri allows the open carry of handguns and long guns,

Source: Unsplash/Brittney Butler

and has a permitless concealed carry law that makes it legal to carry a weapon in public places without a permit.


Montana permits the open carry of handguns and long guns.

Source: Unsplash/Dave Herring

Additionally, the state has enacted permitless concealed carry legislation, allowing people to carry weapons in public spaces without a permit.

New Hampshire

The state of New Hampshire allows the open carry of handguns and long guns

Source: Unsplash/Suraj Gattani

With a permitless concealed car law, making it perfectly legal for people to carry a weapon in public spaces no permit needed.

North Dakota

In North Dakota, individuals are permitted to openly carry long guns and handguns.

Source: Unsplash/Intricate Explorer

They are also allowed to carry a concealed weapon without a permit.


Nevada permits the open carry of long guns and handguns

Source: Wikimedia/Dietmar Rabich

In addition, the state has a concealed carry law that makes it illegal to carry a weapon in public places without a permit.

North Carolina

Individuals in North Carolina are allowed to openly carry handguns and long guns

Source: Carolina Beach – Wilmington, NC

They are also allowed to carry concealed weapons in public without the permit.


In Oklahoma, the state permits open carry of both handguns and long guns

Source: Unsplash/Gerson Repreza

Additionally the state also allows concealed carry in public spaces.


Ohio allows the open carry of handguns and long guns

Source: Unsplash/Oz Seyrek

and has a permitless concealed carry law that makes it legal to carry a weapon in public places without a permit.


Pennsylvania permits individuals to openly carry handguns and long guns

Source: Unsplash/Heidi Kaden

The state also has a  concealed carry law that makes it illegal to carry a weapon in public places without a permit.

South Dakota

The state of South Dakota will allow you to openly carry a weapon

Source: Pete Linforth

You can also conceal a weapon and carry it without having any kind of permit.

South Carolina

South Carolina mandates a permit to openly carry a handgun, however you are allowed to carry a long gun without a permit.

Source: Unsplash/Leonel Heisenberg

It is however illegal to carry a concealed weapon in public without the proper permit.


In the state of Texas it is legal to carry openly without permits

Source: Unsplash/Carlos Alfonso

Both concealed and open carry laws allow for people to carry their weapons however they are comfortable without permits.


Tennessee allows the open carry of handguns and long guns

Source: Unsplash/Tanner Boriack

and has a permitless concealed carry law that makes it legal to carry a weapon in public places without a permit.


Utah allows the open carry of handguns and long guns

Source: Flickr/Julian Price – USA

and has a permitless concealed carry law that makes it legal to carry a weapon in public places without a permit.


The state of Wyoming has enacted laws that allow individuals to openly carry both handguns and long guns

Source: Unsplash/makenzie cooper

Furthermore you are allowed to conceal and carry in public areas without a permit.

West Virginia

The state of West Virginia has implemented laws that allow individuals to carry openly

Source: Flickr

As well as carry concealed weapons without a permit.